
Central Manchester Networks Limited (CMN) was incorporated in November 2014. It was formed to be a GP Provider Organisation (GPPO), now commonly referred to as a Federation, for the GP practices in the central Manchester CCG area. All the practices signed up to be shareholders, and PCM is therefore owned by these GP practices. The shareholders elect the Board of Directors, who must all work within one of the shareholders' practices. The Board is responsible for running CMN and they employ staff to help with the day to day operation of the services that are provided.

Mission & Vision

Drawing on the experience of GPs and other primary care staff, CMN Ltd will develop and provide high quality, safe and effective health services to support and improve primary healthcare. CMN Ltd is wholly committed to:
  • Ensuring patient safety and the highest clinical standards;
  • Excellent patient and staff experience;
  • Maintaining and improving Primary care.

  • Board of Directors

    Clinical Directorate

    Clinical Director and Chair
    Dr Vishal Mehra
    BSc(Hons) MB ChB (Manchester) DFFP MRCGP

    Clinical Director
    Dr Jon Hopwood
    MB ChB (Bristol) BSc MRCGP DFFP

    Commercial Directorate

    Corporate Governance Director
    Dr Colin Tate

    Financial Directorate

    Finance Director
    Mrs Kamsa Khan

    Vice Chair & Contracts Director
    Mr Scott Brunt

    Operations Team

    Operations Manager
    Caroline Hammett

    Network Manager
    Sam Kelly

    Business Manager
    Iram Shahzad

    Finance Assistant
    Haddy Manneh

    Service Manager
    Raheela Shafiq

    Data & Quality Analyst
    Marcela Giraldo

    Project Manager
    Rob Stark


    Ailsa Craig Medical Practice 0161 224 5555 Parkside Medical Centre 0161 257 3338
    Ardwick Medical Practice 0161 272 9616 Princess Road Surgery 0161 445 7805
    Ashcroft Surgery 0161 224 1329 Surrey Lodge Group Practice 0161 224 2471
    Ashville Surgery 0161 881 4293 The Alexandra Practice 0161 860 4400
    Brunswick Medical Practice 0161 274 1500 The Arch Medical Practice 0161 226 0606
    Chorlton Family Practice 0161 881 4545 The Docs 0161 237 9490
    Cornbrook Medical Practice 0161 872 8129 The Range Medical Centre 0161 870 8099
    Dickenson Road Medical Centre 0161 225 5372 The Robert Darbishire Practice 0161 225 6699
    Gorton Medical Centre 0161 223 1113 The Whitswood Practice 0161 226 3620
    Hawthorn Medical Centre 0161 220 6080 The Wilbraham Surgery 0161 881 6120
    Levenshulme Medical Practice 0161 225 4033 Vallance Medical 0161 274 1500
    Longsight Medical Practice 0161 256 4488 West Gorton Medical Centre 0161 223 5226
    Manchester Medical 0161 226 7615 West Point Medical Centre 0161 248 5100
    Mount Road Surgery 0161 231 4997 Wilmslow Road Medical Centre 0161 224 2452
    New Bank Health Centre 0161 277 5600


    Complaints Policy
    Freedom To Speak Up Policy
    For more policies, please login at the MPCP website.
    For more information about confidentiality, please visit https://manchesterpcp.co.uk/services.php.

    Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

    NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard

    NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) requires us to demonstrate progress against a number of indicators of workforce race equality.
    We have committed to implement the WRES from April 2016. In line with the key WRES milestones for 2016 agreed by NHS England, we have published below our baseline data for 2015/16 on the WRES performance indicators including an action plan.
    WRES Baseline

    Equality Information

    The Equality Act (2010) created the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). The PSED is in two parts, General Duty and Specific Duty.

    The General Duty requires all public authorities to consider the need to:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other unlawful acts under the Equality Act;
  • advance equality of opportunity between different groups of people;
  • foster good relations between different groups of people; in carrying out all its activities.
  • The Specific Duty requires us to have equality and diversity objectives and publish certain information in relation to equality.
    Below is information published in relation to meeting the requirements of the Specific Duty.
    Equality Policy
    Equality Report 2016
    EDS2 Summary Report 2017